It was the master chefs of the 1920's who helped direct the development of Molteni stoves, a brand name synonymous with high quality, prestigious and expensiveprofessional stoves and rangehoods. Founder, Joseph Molteni crafted his ranges on the advice and specifications of master chefs and for decades, Molteni stoves and cooktops have been uitilised in some of the best kitchens of the industry.
Recently however, Molteni has moved into domestic home kitchens, offering the household some of the most beautiful and efficient stoves available. They are made to last and apart from the A grade performance, come in a variety of striking colours and gleaming finishes. From the glistening gold knobs to the smoothly opening drawers and fine accents, Molteni reeks of craftsmenship and attention to detail.

Molteni Classic range
Strictly For the Luxury Kitchen
Molteni stoves are big, therefore they not for every kitchen and they are, as you would expect, hand-wringingly expensive - the home range having been designed primarily for the luxury kitchen. However, if you are fortunate enough to have both the room and the funds, they would be a fantastic acquisition.

Moltini Podium

Joseph Molteni
Joseph Molteni, the original stove maker, was born into an ancient tradition of craftsmanship and lived in Drome, just outside Provence. Molteni used to manufacturefourneaux bouilleurs - wood and coal stoves that served the multiple purpose of cooking, central heating and heating water.
What really set him apart was that he listened to his customers; master chefs of the day, taking into account their individual personalities and methods of cooking. This started the Molteni tradition of painstakingly customising their product to suit the user.
The Rolls Royce of Stoves
Described as the 'Rolls Royce' of stoves, Molteni restaurant stoves are around seventy percent more expensive than the average hotel cooker, which is a large divide, yet the price discrepancy only adds to the prestige and the divide in price is equal to the divide in quality. Restaurant models are made entirely of cast iron and don't need servicing for two decades. According to Hotelier and CatererMagazine: "They are an island sland in itself, equipped with everything that a chef would typically need to run a speciality or multi-cuisine restaurant."
Although the name of Joseph Molteni is part of the brand's historical image, Molteni was at some point acquired by the Electrolux group, a Swedish company named by Forbes Magazine as one of the top five companies in the world for consumer durable goods.

Detail and craftsmanship is what sets Molteni apart